Blog Section
Arriving at Your Own Door: 108 Lessons in MindfulnessJon
Translators: Sahar Tahbaz, Amir Imani
Letting Everything Become Your Teacher: 100 Lessons in Mindfulness
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Translators: Sahar Tahbaz, Amir Imani
Trauma–Sensitive Mindfulness – Practices for Safe and Transformative Healing: Practices for Safe Healing
David A. Treleaven
Translators: Sahar Tahbaz, Amir Imani
Heal Thy Self
Saki Santorelli
Translators: Sahar Tahbaz, Amir Imani
Mindfulness: Foundational Perspectives & Practices
A Dialogue - Amir Imani and Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn
Well-Being is a Skill
A Dialogue - Amir Imani and Dr. Richard Davidson
Loving Kindness Through the Eyes of Rumi & In the Times of Pandemic
A Dialogue - Amir Imani, Sharon Salzberg, and Dr. Omid Safi
The Power of Self-Compassion
A Dialogue - Amir Imani and Dr. Chris Germer
Insight of the Heart: Cultivating the Essential Mindfulness-Based Program Teacher Competency
A Dialogue - Amir Imani and Dr. Saki Santorelli
The Science and Practice of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
A Dialogue - Amir Imani and Dr. Willem Kuyken
Mindful Parenting Skills in the Time of the Pandemic
A dialogue between Amir Imani and Nancy Bardacke
Science and Practice of Happiness During Times of a Pandemic
A Dialogue - Amir Imani and Dr. Dacher Keltner
How Do We Respond With Compassion?
A Dialogue - Amir Imani and Nipun Mehta
be aware and kind with what arises in and outside you
Amir Imani Interviewed by BW Businessworld
abc of Stress Management
Amir Imani Explores the Root Causes of Stress and Solutions in Heartfulness Magazine
the Power of Self-Compassion
A Dialogue between Amir Imani and Dr. Chris Germer
insight of the heart
A Dialogue between Amir Imani and Dr. Saki Santorelli
well-being is a skill
A Dialogue between Amir Imani and Dr. Richard Davidson